The Solution for Erin's Girthy Horse | A Redmond Story

A Redmond Story: The Solution for Erin's Girthy Horse

March 18, 2022

If you've saddled many horses, you've likely run across some that reacted to being cinched. A "girthy" or "cinchy" horse can act out in ways that are frustrating and potentially dangerousfor both you and the horse. Behaviors might be as harmless as stomping a hoof or pinning the ears, or more worrisome like biting or kicking.

Are you dealing with a girthy horse? Do you want your horse to feel more comfortable when tacking up? Digestive problems also caused pain and girthiness in Erin Click's mare. Find out below how she used Redmond Daily Gold to ease her horse's saddling sensitivity and started enjoying riding again.  


Meet Erin and Her Mare Patches

My mare Patches was very cinchy and getting to the point of becoming aggressive at just the sight of me bringing out the saddle pad. Each time she acted up, I engaged in a battle of trying to make her realize that misbehaving wasn’t going to get her out of riding.

Patches has foundered and had major weight issues in the past, and getting her digestion where it should be has been a real struggle. Eventually I realized why she was acting out was due to digestive pain, not just because she didn’t want to be worked or rode. She was trying to tell me, and I finally listened.

4A10FAAD-02CF-46FD-9702-EC1DB687A11FI started Patches on a sample pack of Redmond Daily Gold to see if it would really work. The first time I cinched her up, I gritted my teeth and waited for her to pin her ears and give me the “mare stare.”

Instead... there was no reaction at all. I couldn't believe it! Just to be sure it wasn’t a fluke, I loosened then tightened the cinch a little more—and still no reaction. My mare wasn’t in pain, and I was truly amazed.

I'm now looking forward to seeing how much better Patches works under saddle since she’s not experiencing pain from the cinch while tacking up. Daily Gold has changed her digestion, and she truly feels better and acts happier.

Simply put, this product works. I don’t normally vouch for companies, but Daily Gold does the trick like nothing I’ve seen before. Thank you for making a product that backs itself.

— Erin Click

What Causes Girthiness in Horses?

Is it an ill-fitting saddle, behavior issues, or a case of digestive pain, like Erin's mare Patches, that causes a horse to become aversive to tacking up? Each horse's situation is unique.

However, this Journal of Equine Veterinary Science study concluded that girthiness may be a sign of gastric ulcers. Of 37 gastric horses evaluated at the University of California, Davis, the study found 12 were diagnosed with equine ulcers. Others had orthopedic problems, ill-fitting saddles, or various internal diseases that contributed to cinchy behavior.

How Daily Gold helps girthy horses and improves horse gut health.

Redmond Daily Gold Helps Fix Cinchy Horses

Daily Gold Stress Relief can help horses that have become girthy due to gastric pain, equine ulcers, or other GI problems. It is made simply, with Redmond bentonite clay for horses which eases digestive issues by buffering acid, soothing gut inflammation, improving digestion, and coating the gut lining. It also has a full spectrum of loose trace minerals that nourish.

Click below to purchase Daily Gold (available in powder and pellets) or the Daily Gold Syringe, and get your horse's health and happy saddling routine back on track.


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