Stories From the Saddle

Helping My Endurance Horse Endure

April 10, 2020 1:40:38 PM MDT / by Amber Foote

I started endurance riding as a hobby. I’ve always enjoyed riding the trails, and endurance fit that love to a T.  I love the bond it creates with my horse, but also with my endurance family.

My current endurance horse, CJ, and I have been together since 2011. Our first full season was in 2012, and we’ve since logged over 2,000 miles together on the trail!

I noticed as our endurance season progressed toward the end, however, CJ would get grumpy and sour and not as willing to head out on the trail.  I suspected he had ulcers.

I was pretty worried when my gelding first showed signs of tummy trouble. Nobody wants an uncomfortable horse, let alone one with an issue that could turn into a very big problem if left unsolved.

I first treated CJ’s ulcers, and then researched products that would help prevent them going forward. After reviewing different options, I decided on Redmond Daily Gold Stress Relief, and began giving it as part of CJ’s daily feedings.

It wasn’t until the next year when CJ went through a whole season without experiencing any problems that I knew for sure Daily Gold really was keeping his stomach happy!

Daily Gold is cost effective and it works. It’s a big load off of my mind knowing my horse's stomach is healthy and we have less chance of having a metabolic issue on the trail.

-Kimberly Fosler


Topics: Ulcers

Amber Foote

Written by Amber Foote