Settling Drama’s Stress and Stomach Issues

Does your horse struggle with ulcers, ride hot or act stressed? Redmond Daily Gold repairs ulcers and helps your horse feel comfortable and ready to focus.

Posted by: Amber Foote on April 30, 2020 11:19:21 AM MDT

My job is the most stress-relieving, rewarding business out there! I train barrel and ranch horses, and also buy, sell, and take on clients and consignment horses.

Of course, the business is tough at times, but the good outweighs the bad by miles. I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t ride and keep horses—especially my mare, Drama.

She’s my favorite barrel horse and I can’t imagine life without her. We get each other. We have the same personality, think the same. I know her like the back of my hand and she knows me. She’s my best friend.

But Drama is also a very stressed horse. Since purchasing her three years ago, she’s had constant trouble. She doesn’t travel well, won’t always finish her food, gets hot when riding, can’t keep weight on, and struggles with ulcers. I’ve had client horses that also experience the same problems.

It was frustrating! No matter what I fed or what preventative measures I tried, Drama and the other horses in my barn never seemed to stay consistently clear of stress and stomach issues.

I’d seen Redmond Daily Gold on my social media feed and knew of quite a few people using it. I got super curious about the product. I’d had trouble with horses struggling with ulcers and being hot and constantly stressed. Daily Gold claimed to help, so I decided to try it.

I’d been feeding it for about a week when I pulled Drama out for a ride. This time when I got on, she didn’t prance, kept her attention on me, and the ride went great! Later that week we traveled out of state and she hauled like a champ—no stress at all!

A couple weeks after that I started noticing how nice Drama looked weight-wise. In three years I’d never been completely happy with her appearance. Now that she’s on Redmond, I get compliments on her everywhere I go!

Daily Gold has completely changed my mare. She eats all of her food, travels so much better, and looks AMAZING. It’s also done the same for several sale and training horses I’ve had.

My horses look and feel good, and that means I’m more stress-free. Redmond has been a game-changer for them and a life-changer for me knowing everyone in my barn is happy and healthy.

-Catherine Street


Daily Gold Tamed the Dragon

March 31, 2020 11:14:27 AM MDT / Amber Foote / Ulcer Customer Journey
Horses experience anxiety, which can lead to ulcers and an unfocused, untamed attitude. Daily Gold heals ulcers and helps your horse focus on his job.


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April 10, 2020 1:40:38 PM MDT / Amber Foote / Ulcer Customer Journey
Endurance horses experience stress that can cause ulcers and sourness. Daily Gold offers digestive support to heal ulcers and help horses feel their best.


My Filly Has a New Attitude

February 22, 2020 3:51:20 PM MST / Amber Foote / Ulcer Customer Journey
Symptoms from ulcers can manifest as weight loss, a dull coat, and uncooperative attitude. Redmond Daily Gold heals equine ulcers and helps your horse feel better.


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