June 08, 2023
Most riders have headed for the barn to saddle up, only to find their training or trail ride foiled because a horse's legs were swollen and hot.
Horses' legs are sensitive and vulnerable to swelling—also known as stocking up. Typical causes include hauling, stall confinement, lack of exercise, strenuous exercise without a proper cool down, and injury. While swelling is usually temporary, it does affect a horse's ability and performance, and can lead to further injury.
Allie's mare routinely suffered from stocking up after competing or lack of exercise. They found a natural and effective solution in Simply Clay Poultice. Read on to learn how our poultice improved the health of her horse's legs!
My mare Clarity works incredibly hard for me and tries her best to do anything I ask of her.
We compete together in the California Gymkhana Association as well as barrel racing at local jackpots and rodeos. The bond that’s created between me and my horse as we work and compete is, to me, truly incredible.
Clarity has horse splints and scar tissue in both her back legs, and this condition sometimes affects her output. Her legs often became swollen and hot after competition or when she hadn’t been worked in a while.
I didn’t want my horse to be in pain and wanted her to be able to perform her best. I tried different products to help Clarity’s legs, but nothing made a noticeable difference. I could find stuff to help the heat, but it never reduced the swelling.
Redmond Simply Clay Poultice is the only product I’ve found that actually greatly reduced my horse’s swelling. The first time I used it, I took Clarity’s wraps off and was so happy to find her legs weren’t swollen and there was no heat! When we rode, she also wasn’t as stiff and seemed more relaxed.
Clarity’s legs look and feel so much better now, and I don’t worry about her getting stocked up or swollen after a run or time off.
— Allie Kidd-Dragula
How do you know if your horse would benefit from a poultice? Any hint of limping, favoring a leg, or infection is a red flag and should be checked out immediately.
More subtle signs of stress or injury, however, can be caught early by examining your horse’s legs often, especially after exercise. Once your horse has cooled down, run your hands over their legs. Pay close attention to the knees, hocks, and fetlocks, looking for these specific signs:
Simply Clay bentonite clay poultice is a simple and natural solution to reduce swelling and inflammation in horses' legs. Simply apply a layer of poultice to the area and work it in. High-grade Redmond sodium bentonite clay will reduce fluid and swelling, while therapeutic oils cool and soothe muscle tension and inflammation. Our formula is also sting-free and safe to use in combination with wraps or on its own.
Click below to learn more about and purchase Simply Clay Poultice. It's your horse's ultimate performance partner for preparation and recovery.
© Redmond Equine 2023. All rights reserved.
Learn when and how to apply the best clay poultice for horses to reduce swelling in legs and help prevent injury.
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