A Crazy Storm, an Upset Stomach, and a Solution

Storms and extreme weather changes can trigger anxiety in horses, causing digestive discomfort and diarrhea. Redmond Daily Gold paste helps your horse feel better quickly.

Posted by: Amber Foote on February 21, 2020 11:02:03 AM MST

I recently had a scare with my mare Nikki. She developed a sudden very upset stomach. She wouldn’t eat her hay, had a temperature that kept rising through the day, was lethargic, and had bad diarrhea. Nikki wasn’t her sassy self, and she had me worried.

I was so confused about what was happening with my horse. Just the prior day she’d felt great. I hadn’t switched anything in her routine or diet. The only think I could conclude was she’d gotten herself worked up from a crazy storm the night before.

I made sure Nikki had electrolytes and plenty of water, but she still wasn’t improving. That evening I gave her a new hay bag and some Daily Gold paste, praying it would help settle her stomach . . . and then I waited.

Thankfully, about a half an hour later Nikki started eating her hay and had solid stool! By morning her temperature was back to normal and she was waiting for breakfast.

I LOVE Daily Gold paste! It’s been a lifesaver for me on multiple occasions and is something I will never allow myself to run out of. I love that it helped my mare feel back to her sassy self in no time.

Redmond products are not only affordable and work, but they’re also made in the USA and not full of fillers and chemicals. I know I can always trust products from Redmond.

-Stephanie MacKissock


Skippy was Skipping Her Water

November 20, 2019 2:08:36 PM MST / Amber Foote / Hydration Customer Journey
Traveling and stress can cause your horse to stop drinking, causing dehydration. Rein Water replaces electrolytes and encourages your horse to drink more.


The Answer to Calming My Mare's Anxiety

April 13, 2020 10:58:00 AM MDT / Amber Foote / Focus Customer Journey
Anxiety in horses causes unfocused, nervous behavior and digestive problems. Redmond Daily Gold relieves digestive discomfort and helps your horse relax.


How I Tamed My Mare's Walk on the Wild Side

September 26, 2019 12:05:58 AM MDT / Amber Foote / Focus Customer Journey
A horse moved to a new barn can experience stress, ulcers, anxiety, unfocused behavior. Daily Gold helps your horse feel calm, focused and ready to work.


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