A Poultice that Pulls Out Swelling in Horses and Humans

Horses struggle with swelling and stocking up in legs after strenuous exercise or hauling. Red Edge horse poultice reduces swelling on horses and humans.

Posted by: Amber Foote on March 18, 2020 7:57:00 PM MDT

My roping horse Nacho loves his job. He struggles with swollen legs and stocking up, however, after intense training or traveling. His problem seemed to be never-ending and was frustrating for us both.

Over Labor Day weekend in 2019, we hauled a long distance. When I unloaded Nacho off the trailer, i noticed his legs had stocked up again. It was late at night, so I couldn't walk him out to reduce the swelling.

Instead, I applied Redmond Red Edge poultice to his legs and put Nacho in his stall. The next morning I was happy to find the swelling 99% gone.

Not only do I use Red Edge now on my horse, but I also use it on myself! I have a bad shoulder, and while it was surgically repaired, it still bothers me  when I rope—especially during and after a hard practice session.

Now, when I finish, I apply the poultice to my shoulder, and within 30 minutes to an hour, the inflammation and pain are gone.

Red Edge works for both my horse and me, and it works rapidly! It’s a relief knowing I’ve found a product that I can count on.

- George Marcenko


Helping My Endurance Horse Endure

April 10, 2020 1:40:38 PM MDT / Amber Foote / Ulcer Customer Journey
Endurance horses experience stress that can cause ulcers and sourness. Daily Gold offers digestive support to heal ulcers and help horses feel their best.


I Took a Chance on Daily Gold—Now Chance is a Happy Camper

January 15, 2020 5:45:55 PM MST / Amber Foote / Focus Customer Journey
Redmond Daily Gold naturally eases stress and helps horses stay calm and focused. Daily Gold helps your horse stay disciplined and on task at all times.


Settling Drama’s Stress and Stomach Issues

April 30, 2020 11:19:21 AM MDT / Amber Foote / Ulcer Customer Journey
Does your horse struggle with ulcers, ride hot or act stressed? Redmond Daily Gold repairs ulcers and helps your horse feel comfortable and ready to focus.


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