Batman is Focused and Flying Around the Barrels

Daily Gold Stress Relief naturally eases your horse's anxiety, helping him stay focused and on task. Daily Gold helps your horse remain calm and relaxed.

Posted by: Amber Foote on January 16, 2020 11:54:42 AM MST

My gelding barrel horse TK Flyin Firewater, better known as Batman, has always been a nervous horse. He didn't always take to discipline well, and when I’d attempt to tune or school him in the barrels, he’d get really worked up.

It was a frustrating situation. I felt like I couldn't address issues like shouldering, anticipating the turn, or getting stiff. I always had to redirect him, change his focus, and then go back to what I was trying to tune—with varying degrees of success.

I attempted multiple products on Batman to improve his focus, but nothing changed. I finally found and ordered Redmond Daily Gold Stress Relief because, well, it was simply something I hadn't tried yet!

My gelding suffered a minor injury and was laid up for a while. When he was cleared for riding again, I got him back in shape and before we started working on patterns, I started him on the Daily Gold sample pack.

I noticed a difference the first time we trained. I went to make a practice cruise and Batman shouldered the second barrel. This time, however, I was able to take a hold of him, school him right away, and get him quickly back on pattern.

WOW! I’d never been able to do that before.

With Daily Gold, I now have a relaxed horse that’s able to think through each scenario without getting worked up or worried, and I’m able to tune my horse in the moment it matters most.

Batman is cooperative during training and so much more relaxed at races and during runs. Daily Gold is now a regular part of our feed program.

—Sam Carpenter


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April 15, 2020 10:36:46 AM MDT / Amber Foote / Focus Customer Journey
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I Took a Chance on Daily Gold—Now Chance is a Happy Camper

January 15, 2020 5:45:55 PM MST / Amber Foote / Focus Customer Journey
Redmond Daily Gold naturally eases stress and helps horses stay calm and focused. Daily Gold helps your horse stay disciplined and on task at all times.


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