I Took a Chance on Daily Gold—Now Chance is a Happy Camper

Redmond Daily Gold naturally eases stress and helps horses stay calm and focused. Daily Gold helps your horse stay disciplined and on task at all times.

Posted by: Amber Foote on January 15, 2020 5:45:55 PM MST

My off-the-track thoroughbred and show jumper Chance used to be spooky and tense. He’d shy away when I tried to touch his head, and attitude-wise, he was on the unfriendly and "I don't care" side. He’s also a hard keeper, and I was always able to see his ribs too much.

I put Chance on SmartCalm Ultra, which helped some with the skittishness, but it still didn't improve his attitude or help him gain weight.

It got pretty frustrating as Chance’s behavior declined and his jumping refusals grew worse. Two different trainers failed to fix his discipline issues, suggesting everything from new saddles to selling the horse.

I didn't think or expect much when I first ordered Redmond Daily Gold Stress Relief. I went on vacation while Chance took a break from training and received ten days’ worth of the product. When I came back, however, I noticed a change. My horse seemed happier, mellower, and overall he was friendlier towards me.

I continued feeding Daily Gold because I felt it made him feel good. Now Chance’s coat is super shiny and he has more growth on his mane and tail. (The Buckeye coat enhancer I tried before did nothing.) Since using Daily Gold, he’s also put on a couple of pounds—but just in the right places so that his ribs aren't visible most of the time.

Chance now lets me brush and touch his face, wants to be cuddled, and enjoys hanging out. Overall, he seems to be a really happy camper! When we go trail riding, he’s more focused on me and less bothered by his environment. We’ve also started jumping again and he seems more relaxed, without thinking the poles are going to eat him alive!

I’m very pleased with Daily Gold. It’s easy to feed, I don't need to feed a lot, and it's fairly priced. Plus, my horse has eaten it without a fuss since the day it was added it to his feed.

Thank you, Redmond, for this great product!

—Chris Busch


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