Redmond: Supplements That Simply Work

Is your horse losing weight or experiencing digestive upset? Daily Gold eases digestive discomfort, helps your horse maintain weight and feel more calm.

Posted by: Amber Foote on October 3, 2019 5:55:53 PM MDT

When you feed expensive supplements to your horses, you want to believe they work. We care about our horses, and it’s worth the extra cost for the benefits most supplements claim—but often it’s near impossible to know if they actually do what they say. Redmond Daily Gold is not one of those supplements.

Our endurance horse Hero is a picky eater and had trouble gaining weight. Trying to solve his problem was frustrating. He didn’t have any testable medical problems, and just trying to identify the issue was costly and emotionally draining. We love our horses, and seeing one of them struggle wasn’t something we enjoyed.

When we started all of our horses on Daily Gold, we not only saw Hero pick up in weight, but our other horses seemed calmer and happier as well. When we accidentally ran out of Daily Gold, I decided to see what would happen without it.

I was shocked. Hero dropped weight within just three days, and our pushy mare went back to chasing the herd around at feed time. The digestive ease and calm Daily Gold brought to our herd had clearly evaporated!

With Daily Gold, our horses maintain weight and remain calm amidst trailering to training rides two to three times a week and racing 50-100 miles on the odd weekend. We have three horses racing in the rigorous 100-mile Tevis Cup trail ride this year, and we couldn’t maintain the heart, mind, and composition of our racehorses without the benefits of Daily Gold, Redmond Rock Crushed and Rein Water. These products keep our horses going!

--Stevie Delahunt


The Skinny on My Horses' Weight Loss

April 2, 2020 1:02:26 PM MDT / Amber Foote / Digestion Customer Journey
Stress and poor digestion can cause your horse to lose weight and do poorly. Daily Gold improves digestion to help your horse gain weight and stay healthy


The Solution to Spaz’s Saddling Sensitivity

February 20, 2020 8:12:32 PM MST / Amber Foote / Ulcer Customer Journey
Is your horse cinchy or sensitive to being saddled? Redmond Daily Gold helps heal ulcers and eliminate symptoms associated with digestive discomfort.


The Answer to Calming My Mare's Anxiety

April 13, 2020 10:58:00 AM MDT / Amber Foote / Focus Customer Journey
Anxiety in horses causes unfocused, nervous behavior and digestive problems. Redmond Daily Gold relieves digestive discomfort and helps your horse relax.


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