The Skinny on My Horses' Weight Loss

Stress and poor digestion can cause your horse to lose weight and do poorly. Daily Gold improves digestion to help your horse gain weight and stay healthy

Posted by: Amber Foote on April 2, 2020 1:02:26 PM MDT

At Rachel Ray Woodward Performance Horses, we raise, run, and stand performance horses. Keeping them fit and sound is important in our work, but before discovering Redmond products, that was sometimes a challenge to do.

We stand a stud named Blue Is Rare and were running him on barrels and collecting him at the same time. Every spring when we began collecting, he’d lose weight and do poorly, and we’d have to put him on Omeprazole or GastroGard to keep it under control.

Our two-year-old bucking horse, Skinny, also did very poorly after being weaned. I hate thin horses, and it made me crazy every time I looked at him! Skinny was on whole oats, self-feed hay, and wormed regularly, yet nothing helped. We hoped green grass would turn him around, but it didn’t.

Redmond Daily Gold was the answer. It did wonders for our horses! Two weeks into feeding it, we saw a noticeable difference in Skinny’s weight gain. Now, after a month, he looks totally different and is starting to grow again.

And since adding Daily Gold to Blue is Rare’s routine two years ago, he hasn’t needed Omeprazole or GastroGard at all. His weight stays consistent being hauled, ran and collected, and he’s gone on to win money at pro rodeos.

Everything in my yard, 12 head in all, is on Daily Gold now. It’s way cheaper and yet as effective as expensive pharmaceuticals—and it's really easy to feed. Our barrel futurity colts are being hauled and ran, and all are keeping on good weight and behaving less hot-headed than before.

-Rusty Rae Woodward


Redmond: Supplements That Simply Work

October 3, 2019 5:55:53 PM MDT / Amber Foote / Digestion Customer Journey
Is your horse losing weight or experiencing digestive upset? Daily Gold eases digestive discomfort, helps your horse maintain weight and feel more calm.


Daily Gold Improved My Horse's Digestive Tract

March 24, 2020 8:07:05 PM MDT / Amber Foote / Digestion Customer Journey
Is your horse dehydrated, constipated or suffering from poor digestion? Daily Gold improves digestion, balancing pH, and encourages your horse to drink.


Daily Gold Helped Cure Red's Diarrhea

April 9, 2020 11:03:26 AM MDT / Amber Foote / Digestion Customer Journey
Weather changes trigger digestive upset or diarrhea in horses, leading to dehydration. Daily Gold improves digestion and eliminates symptoms of diarrhea.


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