Stories From the Saddle

Daily Gold Improved My Horse's Digestive Tract

March 24, 2020 8:07:05 PM MDT / by Amber Foote

My horse Apache wasn’t drinking enough water and wasn’t, well, pooping a lot. I tried electrolytes in his water, but he refused to drink.

I care about my horse (yes, even his bathroom routine!) and was frustrated and worried by the situation.

I heard about Redmond Daily Gold Stress Relief through a friend, who had good results with her own horses on the product and recommended it to me. I decided to give Daily Gold a shot and see if it would help Apache.

It did! After just two days on the product, I noticed he was drinking more and pooping more. In fact, besides his better water and bowel habits, his entire demeanor changed! He seemed much more comfortable and calm.

Now Apache is more relaxed than ever before. Daily Gold Stress Relief has really been good for my horse, and it definitely changed his digestive tract for the better. I’ve also tried Redmond’s loose minerals, and my horse loves them!

Apache is happier now and drinking (and pooping) more—which makes me happy!

-Kyla Stone




Topics: Dehydration, Digestion

Amber Foote

Written by Amber Foote