Stories From the Saddle

How I Tamed My Mare's Walk on the Wild Side

September 26, 2019 12:05:58 AM MDT / by Amber Foote

My calm and collected mare, Biscuit, also known as B, became a wild child the day I moved her to a new barn. Her forage consumption changed, she was turned out with more horses than she was used to—and that turned her into a different horse. She’d throw fits, had a hard time focusing, and overall wasn’t happy.

Well, that made me not very happy! Working with B was horrible. She’d blow up and lose focus—and if she wasn’t trying to bolt, she was going sideways. I didn’t even want to ride her!

The feed shop I purchase grain from suspected B’s problem might be ulcer related, and recommended a solution in Redmond Daily Gold.

I realized the product was working the day B and I were training in the ring not long after starting her treatment. This time she didn’t blow up going counterclockwise in our circles and she calmly went back to walking through a pattern instead of fighting me the whole way through. From that moment on, I was a believer in Daily Gold!

B has since moved out of the barn and is now back home. Even though she has unlimited access to grass once again, I’ve still kept her on Daily Gold. It keeps her tummy happy, and that means a happier B and a happier me!

Chelsea Hartzel



Topics: Ulcers, Unfocused

Amber Foote

Written by Amber Foote