My Horse was Hot and Bothered

Is your horse hot and unfocused at races? Daily Gold eases stress and helps your horse feel calm, relaxed and focused in the alley.

Posted by: Amber Foote on April 6, 2020 5:52:53 PM MDT

Before I discovered Redmond Daily Gold Stress Relief, my roping and barrel horse, Lily, was always very anxious, worried, and hot when we attended races. It made it hard for us to train and compete together, and we usually finished races in the 2D to 3D times.

While the problem was frustrating, I didn’t feel like I could get mad. I thought it was Lily’s personality to behave that way, and I just needed to be patient and work with her.

So when Lily got worked up, I’d leave her tied at the trailer and wait until she’d calm down, but she wouldn’t, or it would take so long she’d get all sweaty. Her anxiety had us both hot and bothered!

I found Redmond Equine on Instagram, and after looking at all the great photos of where their products come from and their benefits, I decided to try some.

I started feeding Lily Daily Gold and we kept doing our regular weekly riding routine. It wasn’t long before I started noticing she wasn’t getting as worried anymore—and was actually starting to focus and think!

Lily’s much calmer at rodeos now and will walk into the alley and wait for my cue to send her. She was on Daily Gold all summer last year, and finished in the 1D at many good rodeos—even won a few!

Daily Gold worked for Lily, and it worked pretty fast. When she’s on Redmond products, she can give me her all. Our relationship is easier for both of us now. Lily feels better and calmer, and I’m happy because of it.

-Kennedy Crosby


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