I Feel Like a Good Horse Owner Again

Equine ulcers can cause gas colic, weight loss, and a poor attitude. Redmond Daily Gold heals ulcers, helps your horse gain weight and get back to health.

Posted by: Amber Foote on March 31, 2020 12:59:37 PM MDT

Recently, my mare Misty experienced some health issues that proved challenging for both of us. Misty was cribbing constantly, losing weight, and had three episodes of gas colic within eight weeks. She was dull, irritable, and refused to move forward when I was riding.

As a concerned and responsible horse owner, I felt frustrated and discouraged. My primary horsemanship goal is for my mare to be healthy and happy, and I felt like I was failing her!

My vet suggested Misty receive treatment for ulcers—which is very expensive. My riding coach, however, suggested I try Redmond Daily Gold, as he had used it successfully with his horses. It’s a natural product, easy to mix in with feed, locally available and inexpensive.

I decided to give Daily Gold a 30-day trial before resorting to pharmaceutical treatments. Before beginning the product, however, I tested my horse for ulcers using the SUCCEED stall-side fecal test. It confirmed there was indeed blood in Misty’s feces, suggesting ulcers.

I started my horse on Daily Gold, and at first the changes were subtle. After three weeks, though, it was obvious Misty was feeling better! She was gaining weight, more alert, no longer cribbing, and wasn’t having gas colic episodes. After 30 days, I did another fecal test and the results were very positive, showing improvement.

I will keep Misty on a maintenance dose of Daily Gold for another 30 days to make sure her ulcers have completely healed. As of now, however, my mare is back to her usual happy, healthy self—and I feel like a good horse owner again!

-Pauline MacLeod Farley


Twisters' Change of Temperament

April 20, 2020 4:31:34 PM MDT / Amber Foote / Ulcer Customer Journey
Equine ulcers can cause stomach discomfort, sensitivity to touch, diarrhea and weight fluctuation. Daily Gold heals ulcers and provides healthy gut support


My Filly Has a New Attitude

February 22, 2020 3:51:20 PM MST / Amber Foote / Ulcer Customer Journey
Symptoms from ulcers can manifest as weight loss, a dull coat, and uncooperative attitude. Redmond Daily Gold heals equine ulcers and helps your horse feel better.


A Cost-Effective Fix for My Cinchy Horse

March 13, 2020 2:01:21 PM MDT / Amber Foote / Ulcer Customer Journey
Ulcers can cause your horse to be cinchy when saddled. Redmond Daily Gold is a cost-effective solution to eliminating pain associated with ulcers.


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