Skippy was Skipping Her Water

Traveling and stress can cause your horse to stop drinking, causing dehydration. Rein Water replaces electrolytes and encourages your horse to drink more.

Posted by: Amber Foote on November 20, 2019 2:08:36 PM MST

My 22-year-old mare Skippy was leased out to Wisconsin for seven months, and when she came back home to Indiana, I was alarmed to discover she wasn't drinking much. In fact, her water consumption wasn’t more than a half gallon of water a day—far below the amount she needed.

I tried her usual electrolyte, hoping it would encourage her to drink, but it didn’t. Skippy’s lack of interest in water persisted, and I began to worry about the long-term effects of dehydration.

I knew about Redmond products, and had been using Redmond Rock for quite a while. I love Redmond Rock as a mineral salt and hydration trigger. So instead of searching out a new company when I needed an electrolyte to get Skippy drinking again, I went with the one I already knew had great products.

Redmond Rein Water worked! I noticed my horse drinking within the first 12 hours of offering it. I set out two buckets of water over night: a fresh-water bucket and another with Rein Water. The bucket of Rein Water was the only one she drank from.

Now Skippy is drinking a normal amount and is filling out again. I’m grateful I no longer have to worry about if or how much water my mare is drinking.

—Stephanie Bella


Seasonal Issues No Longer Get My Mare Down

September 27, 2019 2:09:31 PM MDT / Amber Foote / Hydration Customer Journey
Seasonal changes cause horses to develop stomach upset, diarrhea, dehydration. Redmond products ensure your horse receives minerals and trigger to drink.


Helping Our Endurance Horses Stay Healthy

February 23, 2021 11:23:06 AM MST / Amber Foote / Digestion Customer Journey
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