Saving Grace

Is your horse underweight or malnourished? Redmond Daily Gold and Daily Red improve digestive health and provide your horse essential minerals for optimum health.

Posted by: Amber Foote on March 10, 2020 4:51:37 PM MDT

I recently purchased a broodmare sound sight unseen. When I picked up Grace in person, she looked nothing like the pictures I had received. She was extremely underweight, malnourished, and had no life left in her eyes.

I felt beyond frustrated. I was not prepared to help a starving horse!

Despite my disappointment, I wanted to do all I could for Grace. Immediately I started her on Redmond Daily Gold, mixing it with a little water in her feed.

After just three days I noticed Grace’s coat had more shine to it. Overall, she seemed more awake and happier and appeared to feel better. Soon she was loping around her pen and holding her tail high.

She began licking her bucket, feed and all, until it was spotless. I quit adding water to her dose of Daily Gold to see if she would still eat it. She licked up every speck of powder before even touching her feed! I was amazed at how quickly this product turned her around!

Grace has finally figured out that I’m here to help her. She whinnies when she sees me and won’t leave my side when I visit her.

I now give all of my horses Daily Gold and Daily Red in their feed, and have seen a huge difference. It’s a relief knowing they’re getting all the nutrients they need, whether at home or on the road.

Thank you so much for great products that I can trust and my horses love!

-Mackenzie Scoggan


I Feel Like a Good Horse Owner Again

March 31, 2020 12:59:37 PM MDT / Amber Foote / Ulcer Customer Journey
Equine ulcers can cause gas colic, weight loss, and a poor attitude. Redmond Daily Gold heals ulcers, helps your horse gain weight and get back to health.


My Mares Were Broken-Now They're Blossoming

January 13, 2020 3:09:57 PM MST / Amber Foote / Overall Customer Journey
Redmond Equine products help nourish horses and keep them hydrated and healthy. Redmond Daily Gold relieves symptoms associated with ulcers and colic.


My Filly Has a New Attitude

February 22, 2020 3:51:20 PM MST / Amber Foote / Ulcer Customer Journey
Symptoms from ulcers can manifest as weight loss, a dull coat, and uncooperative attitude. Redmond Daily Gold heals equine ulcers and helps your horse feel better.


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