Scooter Went From Stressed to Running His Best

Horses may experience stress and anxiety when competing. This can cause digestive upset, ulcers, cribbing, lack of focus and behavior problems.

Posted by: Amber Foote on August 21, 2019 10:09:32 AM MDT

My horse Scooter is a worrier; he stresses over every little thing. When we attend barrel races, he constantly paces and bellers at the trailer—and he has major separation anxiety whenever I get out of his sight. He’s spoiled, I know!

His extreme anxiety occasionally causes his ulcers to flare up, and it’s turned him into a horrible cribber. I tried numerous different supplements and products and even feed changes trying to help Scooter, but nothing worked. Besides, he’s too smart for his own good and usually ate around his supplements anyway. It was extremely frustrating!

But not anymore! I recently discovered Daily Gold and added it to Scooter’s daily regimen. WOW what a transformation! He actually ate it, first off, and second—can I just say it again?—what a total transformation!

We went to our first rodeo after starting Daily Gold, and I honestly thought I’d brought the wrong horse. Scooter was cool as a cucumber, collected. He never once acted anxious or nervous—and he ran harder and faster than he ever has before. To top it off, we finished sixth for the night!

I am a firm believer in this product! Life with Daily Gold looks amazing now, and Scooter and I plan to continue pursuing our rodeo career.

-Kimberly Coffman

Daily Gold Tamed the Dragon

March 31, 2020 11:14:27 AM MDT / Amber Foote / Ulcer Customer Journey
Horses experience anxiety, which can lead to ulcers and an unfocused, untamed attitude. Daily Gold heals ulcers and helps your horse focus on his job.


Daily Gold Helped Cure Red's Diarrhea

April 9, 2020 11:03:26 AM MDT / Amber Foote / Digestion Customer Journey
Weather changes trigger digestive upset or diarrhea in horses, leading to dehydration. Daily Gold improves digestion and eliminates symptoms of diarrhea.


The Solution to Spaz’s Saddling Sensitivity

February 20, 2020 8:12:32 PM MST / Amber Foote / Ulcer Customer Journey
Is your horse cinchy or sensitive to being saddled? Redmond Daily Gold helps heal ulcers and eliminate symptoms associated with digestive discomfort.


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