Seasonal Issues No Longer Get My Mare Down

Seasonal changes cause horses to develop stomach upset, diarrhea, dehydration. Redmond products ensure your horse receives minerals and trigger to drink.

Posted by: Amber Foote on September 27, 2019 2:09:31 PM MDT

My mare Odette has a super sensitive stomach. This means every year when the seasons change, my horse usually goes through a bout of diarrhea. This always makes me worry! I can’t control the weather, and knowing my girl isn’t feeling well—and feeling like I can’t help her—is frustrating and hard. But now I have a solution!

Weather changes, variations in my horse’s exercise levels, a nervous gut—these are all reasons I turn to Redmond for help. Now when Odette gets seasonal diarrhea, I ensure she’s staying hydrated with Redmond Rein Water and Rock on a Rope. Both products encourage her to drink and ensure she’s getting the extra boost she needs to recover from lost fluids.

I can say with confidence that Redmond products make my everyday life easier. I also love the many ways they can be administered, and that they don’t have just one purpose. One product can cover several equine health bases. When I’m concerned about my horse’s water or mineral intake or need the satisfaction and peace of knowing my mare is staying hydrated during her seasonal issues, I’m so glad I have products I can turn to and trust.

Tenaya Wilson



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September 26, 2019 12:05:58 AM MDT / Amber Foote / Focus Customer Journey
A horse moved to a new barn can experience stress, ulcers, anxiety, unfocused behavior. Daily Gold helps your horse feel calm, focused and ready to work.


The Answer to Calming My Mare's Anxiety

April 13, 2020 10:58:00 AM MDT / Amber Foote / Focus Customer Journey
Anxiety in horses causes unfocused, nervous behavior and digestive problems. Redmond Daily Gold relieves digestive discomfort and helps your horse relax.


Skippy was Skipping Her Water

November 20, 2019 2:08:36 PM MST / Amber Foote / Hydration Customer Journey
Traveling and stress can cause your horse to stop drinking, causing dehydration. Rein Water replaces electrolytes and encourages your horse to drink more.


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