Redmond has two loose trace mineral supplements to nourish horses.

Redmond Equine Blog

Read our extensive library of blog and resource articles for information about improving horse health and digestion, treating and preventing common issues like ulcers in horses, colic, diarrhea and dehydration, and many more topics.

The Seasons Change — So Should Your Horse's Minerals!

A loose mineral salt for horses is needed year-round. Learn which horse mineral to feed each season, including a fly control mineral for horses in spring.

5 Reasons Horses Eat Dirt (and What to Do About It)

Sometimes I see my horse eating dirt. In moderation, dirt is beneficial for your horse. Here are 6 reasons why horses eat dirt, also known as geophagia or pica.

Why Shelby Switched to Loose Horse Minerals | A Redmond Story

Horses may ignore salt blocks and become dehydrated. Redmond Rock Crushed loose mineral salt provides needed trace minerals and electrolytes for horses.

Mineral Supplements for Horses: What Does 60+ Trace Minerals Mean?

What does it mean that Redmond horse mineral supplements contain over 60 essential minerals? And how can mined, chelated trace minerals benefit your horse?

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